Boba Box are committed to complying with all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and other requirements as they arise. The company recognise that legislative requirements and industry codes of practice are a minimum level of performance, and it is the intention of the company to supersede these requirements as a matter of course.

We are a forward-thinking business in terms of environmental and sustainability issues. We encourage our suppliers to take an equally responsible stance by making continuous improvements in their environmental performance and ensure compliance with the requirements of national law and regulations.

Suppliers shall minimise waste where possible and dispose of it in a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible manner. The use of energy, water and raw materials shall be in an environmentally friendly manner and where possible these resources shall be used renewable. Suppliers shall prevent contamination of the local environment and ensure that odour, air and noise pollution are within national limits. Chemical use shall be minimised and be in line with national practice for the use of agricultural pesticides, etc…

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